Last month our 20th anniversary party and this month, our Christmas party - life in Peel is one long round of pleasure!
Long before the start time, more than seventy expectant members and guests were seated at the beautifully decorated tables, glasses in hand, surrounded by the enticing aroma of Nicky and Nigel Kermode’s world-famous turkey hot pot. Mike Berry, our chairman’s warm welcome had us poised for the feast. The recipe is doubtless secret but it includes a goodly range of carefully selected vegetables in a mass of bubbling turkey pieces in a savoury stock. Once on the plate, this is added to with lovely crisp ‘roasties’, chipolatas, stuffing, red cabbage and a roll. Somehow, room is found for mince pies all washed down with a choice of appropriate beverages.
Once again, we benefited from the Corrin Hall with the amount of space that we now need. Even so, the demand for tickets is so high that we can only apologise to anyone disappointed and urge them to leap in early, next year. The kitchen is much appreciated, as are the heated cabinets for plates and dishes. This ensures that the meal and plates are hot when served – so important and tricky even with a family meal. Everything was just as it should be. Our thanks will doubtless be reinforced by the plea for the same again please, next year!
The tables cleared, we settled back for the entertainment. This year’s shimmering show was head-lined by Eric Kelly and the Dinky Do’s, labelled, Keyboards R US with solo singer/guitarist, Paul Reynolds. They alternated and played a whole mixture of chansons neatly joined together, so probably fused rather than fusion! We all joined in with a range of titles spanning the last century. Some of us remembered them all.
All too soon, Mike rose to his feet, thanking everyone who had taken part, including the less glamorous behind the scenes jobs and those who had generously provided raffle prizes. Pam Quine, our illustrious secretary was the star organiser with the rest of us committee cheerfully joining in with the usual tasks.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 26th January 2010, at7.30pm in the Centenary Centre. Pat Tutt, one of our local architects, is speaking on, ‘Peel Architecture and Townscape.’ Some of us remember the fascinating display she mounted in a shop in Michael Street, years ago, showing how the town could be given an uplift with improved public spaces, enhancing rather than losing Peel’s distinctive character. This is even more important as the town expands. Hopefully, our Commissioners will be able to attend, as well. Given the newly published traffic scheme, this meeting will be invaluable, as well as fascinating.
A very happy Christmas and joyful New Year from Peel Heritage Trust.