Having been away on holiday, this is a bonus edition with two for the price of one!
At the kind invitation of the Rev Ian Faulds and his wife, Claire, members of Peel Heritage Trust were joined by members of Michael Heritage Trust to enjoy a conducted walk down the cliffs and through the wonderful sea caves. This had to be very carefully timed to take advantage of the tides.
The weather was glorious and more than forty members negotiated the tricky path and the succession of caves with their stunning views. Many were the photographs and new friendships as the two groups mingled.
The socialising continued with the Faulds generously entertaining the group to refreshments in their front garden and invited members to have a look around their beautiful home. Ian and Claire, thank you so much for your generosity and in sharing your enthusiasm for such a wonderful part of the Island with us.
The week-end of the 10th/11th July saw the latest in a wonderful long line of Peel’s Secret Gardens. Once again, crowds flooded in. Gardens were spread from the edge of town on the Ramsey Road to the quayside. Everywhere you looked, people were consulting the map in the centre spread of the souvenir guide, seeking directions from each other and following up recommendations to visit particular favourites.
Eleven of the twenty-one gardens were new to us, some brand new. This blend of old favourites with well-established planting, gardens a few months old, sweeping banks of planting and glittering jewels of small courtyards make this event so special.
This event is non-competitive and was founded and continues as a biennial event to share some of the mysteries that make up this stunning, ancient city.
As in the Lynague walk, a very important element is the friendship that develops between garden owners and the crowds who visit. Counts failed this year because of the numbers but all the brochures were sold, the plant stall in the Market Place was emptied and many came for both days.
As for two years’ time, I’ve already got a list of people keen to include their gardens.
Thank you gardeners and all those who took part. Joy unbounded!
Our next event is on Wednesday, 8th September, 7.30pm in the Centenary Centre. The much-loved, long-serving former vicar, Canon Brian Kelly will be talking to us. Do come in good time.