In memory of Thomas aged 11years and 3 months and James
1 year and 10 months, sons of Thomas and Mary Cubbin, they were drowned in each
other’s arms in the surf on the coast of Madagascar, on the 26th
March1868, after enduring very great privation and sufferings 11 days in a small
open boat, through the foundering of the ship Serica, after an awful hurricane in the
Indian Sea. “Teach me to live that I may
dread the grave as little as my bed.”
Thus reads the plaque in Braddan Old Church that aroused
the author, Valerie Cottle, to research the background and details of what
turned out to be a fascinating journey for her as well as readers of her
outstanding book, Thomas Cubbin, Master Mariner and the Wreck of the
Valerie’s talk was absorbing, combining as it did, a
remarkable tale and the research methods that gradually and patiently unfolded
the facts. Clearly, despite her familiarity with this absorbing tale, she was
still moved by the human story she had uncovered.
Apparently, Thomas Cubbin had written an account of the
disaster but MNH couldn’t find their copy. Valerie then discovered a reprint on
the Internet, three years ago and bought it. The title is something like,
Wreck of the Senica, the Wonderful
Adventures of a Manxman. This, of course, was a wonderful primary
Thomas and Mary with a rather motley crew sailed from
Birkenhead in December 1867 together with two of their children, leaving the
rest behind on the Island, we know not with whom. They were 12, 4 and 3 years
The ship had
been built in Canada and sailed with a cargo of timber, all for sale. Thomas
owned this ship and was a qualified master. She hit one of the worst hurricanes
in recorded history. Captain and crew took to a small boat to head for the
nearest shore, Mauritius but wind and tide were against them and they sailed to
Madagascar. The boat capsized in giant breakers with the loss of their children.
However, they’d had another baby before returning to Rose Hill, Braddan!
One young man of the crew was of interest. He had sailed
on Brunel’s Great Eastern laying
the first trans-Atlantic cable. Some other members of the crew sounded less than
Merchant Navy records were accessed, as was the Public
Records Office in Kew. Apparently, as well as providing several forms of
identity, you have to read the regulations and then score 100% on a test before
being admitted! Even then, Valerie found that 70% of the records she needed had
been transferred to a specialist department in the University of Newfoundland.
They came up trumps and pieces of the jigsaw fell into place.
This book makes a fine Christmas present but read it
yourself, first!
The Christmas Party is 7.30pm, 11th December
at Peel Golf Club. Excellent dinner plus entertainment. Tickets from Corrie
Wooding, 843502. Ring now. All welcome!