13 December 2011

The Hon Phil Gawne BSc., MHK “This and That.”2.11.11..John Slater

Having asked Phil Gawne, some months previously, if he would care to make a return visit to Peel Heritage Trust, I was particularly sorry to be off Island for the chosen date.

It was apparent, I’m told, that Phil’s passion for the island, the language and its people were evident all evening.

Before the break, Phil showed his Youtube videos. Having missed these, I’ve just taken the opportunity of looking at some. Just type in Youtube and then Phil Gawne and all (well some!) will be revealed. They are, apparently, intended for his constituents to see what he works for on their behalf. The clips are, in fact, of much wider interest and are to be applauded. They seek to show a vision for the ongoing development of the Island. It might be worth checking to see if any other MHKs have similar sites.

After the break, there was a question and answer session on a range of topics on his involvement with agriculture, fisheries and forestry and his more obvious work with the DOI. Obviously, our roads and the now (in)famous roundabout were hot topics!

Phil was far from insular, dealing knowledgeably with Overseas Aid and other broader subjects. Avery big Thank You from the Trust to a very busy man.

In a previous article I said that we were looking for someone to lead the team for the 2012 Secret Gardens. Jenny Alford has answered the call, supported by Myra Glitheroe and my wife, Helen. This experienced team will be very happy to recruit others and you can now volunteer your garden to Jenny on 845827. The dates are 14th and 15th July. We have a goodly list, already, but there’s room for more.

Secret Gardens is totally non-competitive and has developed into a lovely social occasion. Some gardens are newly emerging from bare earth, others are old friends but all change over time and provide increasing interest over the years. If you miss this chance, you’ll have to wait until 2014!

Not for the first time, we’re looking for someone to replace Vic Bates to lead the editorial team for the Peel City Guardian. If you have experience, knowledge or enthusiasm in this area, please ring Vic on 844113. He has done a splendid job over many editions but is overdue a change of activity. He will, of course, help with the change over. Thank you Vic for your loyal service.

Our Christmas party brings a wonderful year to a close with thanks to all our speakers and supporters. The next meeting is on Wednesday, 18th January at 7.30 pm in the Centenary Centre with John ‘Dog’ Collister. He will introduce us to the art of making objects from rushes. Given the state of our boat service, perhaps we might construct some rush rafts! This evening will be really good, so come early.

Have a very happy Christmas and splendid New Year!